The differences between the two systems become apparent during daily maintenance and washing.
A duvet can last a lifetime if it’s properly taken care of. One of the most important things in duvet maintenance is air. Down particles have the smallest ramifications that hold onto air. This creates a barrier that insulates and traps your body temperature and keeps you warm at night. That’s why it’s important to shake your duvet daily, so the down particles can absorb air.
This is only possible with a channel duvet, as in a cassette duvet the down particles are trapped in fields. A channel duvet can absorb 2 to 3 times more air!
If you know you won’t be shaking your duvet daily, then a cassette duvet might be just right for you!
Shaking your duvet also allows the dirty down particles to slide down, making room for the clean ones at the top of the duvet. This of course is only possible with a channel duvet. Because the down particles are trapped in fields in a cassette duvet, they always come into contact with the same body parts which makes them dirty faster.
When a duvet is professionally washed, the down and cover are taken apart and washed separately before everything is put back together when it’s clean. The cover can be reused as only a small amount of stitching needs to be taken out. This is different with the cover of a cassette duvet, which has a lot more stitching resulting in the cover being destroyed when it gets washed.
Are you still not completely sure about which type of duvet would work best for you? Don’t hesitate to stop by in one of our stores in Antwerp or Mol!
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